How To Fight Against Copyright Strike On Youtube?

If it's Youtube,then I must say that it is the matter of Justice,It does not matter if you are a PM son or Labor son,You must owe right and agreements which youtube imply on you.I will keep it short and sweat.So,our topic is how to fight against Copyright Strike On Youtube,which go away right after 6 months.I am going to discuss about few steps and instructions which may help you in fighting against a Copyright Strike which you received by Youtube Team.
Steps & Instructions:-
1-First step,be attended to Youtube strike,you must owe right of video to fight against,if this video is really duplicate then it's useless to fight against copyright strike.I got one solution for  that is "PATIENCE".If you really owe the rights of Youtube video then follow the upcoming steps and instructions and you must act upon them.
2-See your copyright Video,Never Delete the video which received Copyright Strike from youtube,many users delete that video thinking that deleting video will take away copyright strike from your channel which is a false.Never Delete video.If you delete that video then you can do nothing,you cannot appeal for your video,ultimately result in 6 months difficulty.If your account is new and don't have enough views then create a new one,which is only the option.
3-After making sure 2nd step,go to the area of community guidelines and stuff where you can see your copyright video.
4-Click on appeal and provide the information keeping mind the below instructions
Instructions for step 4:
1-You must owe all the rights for video.
2-It should meet all the agreements.
3-It should be potentially falsiable.
4-It should be general statement.
5-It should be an tentative idea.
6-Explain about your video.
7-Don't say something that you were not known about youtube regulations and community guidelines or you were compelled to upload videos or some other people upload this,It's waste of time and idiotic move.

Youtube will never reject your appeal,if it's ture and proceed shorty,Be Patience and keep uploading more videos.
